FPS course Particle Size Measurement

Category: Short in-company course
Software: A simple expert system for the selection of the method for particle size measurement

Suggested Programme

  1. Introduction to the course, properties of particulate materials, importance of sampling, particle populations, distributions of size, shape and density, dispersion of powders
  2. Particle size in quality control, control charts, microscopy (optical and electron) and image analysis
  3. Particle-light interaction methods: laser diffraction methods, nephelometric and light scattering methods, photon correlation spectroscopy and laser Doppler anemometer methods, light blockage counters, time-of-transition
  4. Gravitational and centrifugal sedimentometers, classification methods of particle size analysis, aerodynamic sizing
  5. The Coulter principle and its further developments, hydrodynamic chromatography and flow field fractionation, mean size from surface area measurements
  6. Sieving (wet and dry), standard test sieves, electro- formed sieves, mesh obscuration, end point, automatic sieving, on-line methods.

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